The Hoops Inn and Country HotBideford Devonel -

LOOKING FOR: Family Pubs
ADDRESS: Clovelly Horns Cross
Bideford Devon
TELEPHONE: 01237 451222
The Hoops Inn and Country HotBideford Devonel -
The Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon has accommodation. The Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon serves

Real Ales. The Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon is a Country Pub, Bar or Inn. The Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford

Devon is a Good Food Pub, Bar or Inn. The Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon is a Family Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn. The Hoops Inn and

Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon has a Beer Garden. The Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon is a non-smoking Pub, Bar or Inn. The

Hoops Inn and Country Hotel Horns Cross Bideford Devon is a Dog Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn.