Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre & TrKettering Northamptonshireavel Inn -

LOOKING FOR: Family Pubs
ADDRESS: Rothwell Road
Kettering Northamptonshire
TELEPHONE: 01536 310082
Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre & TrKettering Northamptonshireavel Inn -
Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre and Travel Inn Kettering Northamptonshire has accommodation. Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre and Travel Inn Kettering

Northamptonshire serves Real Ales. Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre and Travel Inn Kettering Northamptonshire is a Good Food Pub, Bar or Inn. Telford Lodge

Brewers Fayre and Travel Inn Kettering Northamptonshire is a Family Friendly Pub, Bar or Inn. Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre and Travel Inn Kettering

Northamptonshire has a Beer Garden. Telford Lodge Brewers Fayre and Travel Inn Kettering Northamptonshire has Wheelchair Access and Facilities for People

with Disabilities.