Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

LOOKING FOR: Heritage, Historical
ADDRESS: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Shakespeare Centre
Henley Street
Stratford Upon Avon
TELEPHONE: 01789 204016
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is the independent charity that cares for the world’s greatest Shakespeare heritage sites, and promotes the enjoyment and understanding of Shakespeare's works, life and times all over the world.

Together, Shakespeare's five family homes in Stratford upon Avon form an iconic destination in the UK which has been attracting visitors from around the globe for centuries. Today, a tour of these houses takes you on a natural journey through Shakespeare's life from his birth at the house on Henley Street, to his death at New Place across the town.
Admission:2015 Prices:
There are several pass options available but the best value and most thorough is the Shakespeare Five House Pass.
Adult: £24.90
Child: £14.90
Concession: £22.90
Family: £65.00   Opening Times: 2015 Opening Details:
10am to 4pm at the minimum, daily.
Farm open March to November.